Account Number: NL91ABNA0546484506
Account Number: NL91ABNA0546484506
Date: Sunday 09 June 2019
Sermon delivered by: Parish Pastor
This week, the D-Day was celebrated in Europe and elsewhere.
D day occurred in 1944 when several thousand troops landed overnight to liberate Europe.
Every year, the Day is celebrated to remember the blood that was sacrificed to set Europe free. This week, world leaders gathered to say “Thank you” to the veterans, to remember the blood that the soldiers shed to bring freedom and liberation
Today, it is important to remember the much more greater sacrifice that has been made by our Lord Jesus who shed His blood to set us free from sin and evil forces.
Date: Sunday 30 June 2019
Sermon delivered by: Parish Pastor
In life, people ask us different questions on a daily basis, e.g. “What is your name?” “What do you do for a living?” “Where do you come from?” etc
Today, we want to consider one question, but it is one of the greatest questions that matters in life: Are you sure?
Normally, when you pose this question or someone else asks you the same, it is done for these reasons: To confirm and reconfirm something; To get clarity over a matter; To avoid the risk of assumption or supposition,
Today, the question “Are you sure?” will focus on four areas