Date: Sunday 09 June 2019

Sermon delivered by: Parish Pastor

This week, the D-Day was celebrated in Europe and elsewhere.
D day occurred in 1944 when several thousand troops landed overnight to liberate Europe.

Every year, the Day is celebrated to remember the blood that was sacrificed to set Europe free. This week, world leaders gathered to say “Thank you” to the veterans, to remember the blood that the soldiers shed to bring freedom and liberation

Today, it is important to remember the much more greater sacrifice that has been made by our Lord Jesus who shed His blood to set us free from sin and evil forces.

Acts 20:28b….the church was purchased with His own blood. Jesus is the owner, husband of the church.

Acts 2:1-8 Today is Pentecost Sunday, a day regarded as the birthday of the church, when the church was founded. From all tribes and tongues. All were speaking

Why diverse tongues?

To let people know that the Church or Christianity is bigger than your village.

From only 120 people, they received power and stood for Jesus, persecution arose forcing them to scatter. The persecutors thought the persecution will lead to the end Christianity but, it rather grew as people who fled to other lands spread the gospel of Jesus.

Lesson: Many came here because of all manners of persecution, and to seek better life. But in your scattering, have you made yourself and an instrument in the hand of God, or you are working against the gospel?

The church history through the martyrdom of the early apostles, the church survived and is still surviving today, because it is God’s own idea and He has paid the price so precious, His own blood, to give birth to the church

Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hellshall not prevail against it = the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church of God

Zech 9:8 I will defend my house against maurading forces =God is able to defend is house. What is God’s house? You who carry His temple, where He lives in.

• Despite what is going on in the world today, including systemic anti-Christ laws, yet the church is marching on, the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

• That is why I don’t give up when I read of strange things happening in the church. That is why you don’t have to give up too. It will also pass but the church will remain

• Because Jesus overcame, His church shall overcome, and you too shall overcome in Jesus name amen

Last modified on Thursday, 04 July 2019 19:19